cibolo tooth Extractions

tooth Extractions In Cibolo & Schertz

Patients may need a tooth extraction if their wisdom teeth are growing in improperly, or if a tooth has been severely infected or damaged in an accident. At our office, we provide gentle tooth extractions in Cibolo and Dr. Patel uses minimally-invasive techniques to ensure a comfortable treatment. We always try to save your tooth using restorative procedures before suggesting an extraction, but if your teeth must be removed, we make the process as easy as possible for you.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

The growth and improper eruption of wisdom teeth is the most common reason for tooth extractions. However, there are some other reasons that a tooth may need to be removed. A tooth that is decayed and cannot be saved with root canal therapy or teeth that are loose or damaged by gum disease may also need to be removed and replaced. Tooth extractions are also sometimes necessary to prepare for orthodontic procedures or for the placement of restorative prostheses like full arch dentures and implants.

Understanding The Tooth Extraction Healing Process

After a tooth has been extracted, it’s common to experience some swelling, bruising, and pain. It will take some time for your mouth to completely heal. While the healing process is different for each patient at Cibolo Family Smiles, here’s what you can typically expect while recovering from an extraction:

  • First 24 hours – During this time, you may experience some discomfort and swelling. A blood clot will form in your now-empty socket, which is critical for proper healing. You may get prescription medicine to help you deal with your discomfort.
  • 2-3 days – After about 2-3 days, you will not experience as much discomfort, and you can start using an OTC pain reliever like naproxen or ibuprofen to deal with any remaining pain.
  • 7 days – This is when your stitches will be removed, or will start to dissolve if self-dissolving stitches were used by Dr. Patel during your treatment. By now, you should be experiencing very minimal discomfort.
  • 7-10 days – After this time, any remaining jaw soreness or stiffness should go away completely.
  • 10-14 day – After two weeks, you should be completely recovered, and any remaining bruising or discomfort should have subsided.

This may vary based on your condition, how many teeth were extracted, and some other factors. For more information, feel free to call our knowledgeable team and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Aftercare For Tooth Extractions

Dr. Patel will give you a set of aftercare instructions immediately following your treatment. However, you can also reference these tips while you recover:

  • Avoid dislodging the blood clot in the initial 24 hours – This is incredibly important. After your tooth is pulled, a clot will form in the socket. If you dislodge it, the underlying bone and nerves will be exposed, causing pain and preventing healing. This is called “dry socket.”

    To avoid accidentally dislodging the blood clot, you should avoid brushing the teeth next to the extraction site, eating food that requires chewing, rinsing your mouth, drinking hot beverages, or using a straw for 24 hours. You also should not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Take medicine as directed by Dr. Patel – If Dr. Patel has given you a prescription for pain medication, make sure you fill it and take it as directed.
  • Use gauze to absorb blood – Biting down on a gauze pad after the surgery will help absorb blood. Most bleeding should stop within 24 hours as your blood clot forms. See Dr. Patel if you continue to bleed after 24 hours post-extraction.
  • Use ice packs – External ice packs can help with pain, inflammation, and swelling during the first 2-3 days post-extraction.
  • Eat soft food – It’s best to mostly eat soft foods like applesauce and soup for at least 2-3 days after your tooth has been extracted.
  • Keep it clean – You may be given an antiseptic rinse to use 24 hours after your tooth is extracted. You can also rinse your mouth with warm salt water to soothe and clean the socket. Brush your other teeth gently, but make sure that you avoid contacting the extraction site while doing so.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are our rear-most set of molars, and they typically begin to erupt from the ages of 17-25. While these teeth are a natural part of our mouths and some people have enough space to accommodate their growth, most of us lack the space that is required for them to erupt properly. Because of this, wisdom teeth can become “impacted” and do not fully erupt, which can cause oral infections, pain, and discomfort. Improperly-erupting wisdom teeth can also cause your bite to shift or damage adjacent teeth. For these reasons, most patients in Cibolo and Schertz opt to have their wisdom teeth removed when they begin to erupt.

Dentist with patient

Extracting Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If your wisdom tooth has mostly erupted, Dr. Patel will be able to perform a “simple extraction.” During this procedure, he will clean and numb your mouth, and use a special tool called a dental elevator to loosen the tooth in its socket. Then, he will gently pull it out using a forceps. In some cases, an incision may need to be made to access the tooth and the root. If your tooth is severely impacted, a surgical extraction may be required. This involves making an incision in the gum before removing it from your mouth.

Giving Every Person a Reason to Smile

Judgment-Free, Skillful Dental Care in Cibolo

(210) 797-7740